(Islamic New Years 2024)
Discount 15% for All AFSID Product, Use Code
INY15 Valid till 2024-07-11

Be Careful with fraud on behalf of AFSID Group International.
Lately a lot of Forex Robots are sold very cheaply using our company name, Beware, using fake or pirated products can make your account balance run out.
We (AFSID Group International) do not cooperate with any party, both individuals and companies.
We only have one Telegram Group, Link (@AFSIDGroupInternational) with the number listed on the official website (https://www.afs-id.pro), apart from what is written above it can be confirmed that it is 100% fake.

WhatsApp/Telegram:  +62.877.8000.8111
Email: support@afs-id.pro
Official Wesite: www.afs-id.com
